Thanks for contributing some sorely needed humor to the cyber liability industry!
If you need help, we have a few prompts to get you started. You can finish one of our jokes, or create your own from scratch. Submit as many jokes as you want! The top three jokes receive FREE admission to the 2015 Cyber Risk Management Boot Camp, and winners will tell their joke on stage at the Cyber Boot Camp! If unable to make it to the event, your joke will still be told, and you will receive a $75 Visa gift card. Here are a couple jokes we thought of so far:
Why is a husband better than a hacker?
It’s a lot easier to hide stuff from your husband!
What’s the difference between the Kool-Aid man and a hacker?
The Kool Aid man says, “OH YEAH!” when he breaks through your walls!
Now we know those aren’t great, which is why we need your jokes! Just fill out the form below. Thanks again!
The INSUREtrust Interns:

Kevin Hughes

Harrison Freemyer