Small and midsized businesses usually think about an incidence response plan only after an incident has occurred. But experts recommend creating a simulated of cyber attack to help management identify the risks and to narrow down the insurance coverage needed....
Hackers are increasingly using stolen health care records to obtain free drugs and medical care by impersonating legitimate patients. Article Excerpt: The phrase “health insurance” may conjure up images of medical bills for some people, but for hackers it...
Using easily obtainable items such as glue and graphite spray, a hacking group called Chaos Computer Club have already figured out a way to unlock the new iPhone 5s’ fingerprint biometric security. Article Excerpt: There’s been a lot of attention on the...
High school students in Los Angeles quickly found a way to hack into school-issued iPads to access blocked social media and music streaming sites. Article Excerpt: Los Angeles Unified School District started issuing iPads to its students this school year, as part of a...
Some members of LinkedIn are suing the company, claiming it broke into their non-LinkedIn email accounts, stole their contact records, and then sent marketing emails to these contacts. LinkedIn denies any wrongdoing. Article Excerpt: LinkedIn Corp. (LNKD), owner of...
Multiple websites from inside NASA’s Ames Research Center were breached by a Brazilian hacker group. Many of the sites remained unavailable to the public for days. Article Excerpt: Nearly a dozen NASA websites run from the heart of Silicon Valley were hacked on...