The White House was the victim of a cyber attack last month, but the perpetrators apparently failed to extract any information. A conservative news web site, the Washington Free Beacon, broke the story, reporting that hackers linked to the Chinese government...
September was a bad month for some of the nation’s biggest banks, as their web servers were hit with a large-scale assault by well-armed cyber attackers. Bank of America, Citigroup, JPMorgan, PNC Financial Services Group, US Bancorp, and Wells Fargo – financial...
As the nation’s baby boomers age, retirement communities and nursing homes are expanding. These senior living facilities often emphasize physical security as one of the main benefits they can provide to potential residents and their concerned families. Frequently,...
The nation is woefully unprepared for a major cyber attack, according to a new report released by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Among 31 core capabilities identified as key for disaster responsiveness, cyber security came in dead last, with a...