Cloud Security Risks: Who’s Really Responsible?

Cloud Security Risks: Who’s Really Responsible?

The reality of cloud computing has been around since about 2006 when Amazon and Google began to use the term in widespread campaigns. In that time, it has grown in popularity to the point that 3.6 billion people users now use this format. In fact, 97% of all...
The 12 biggest cloud security threats in 2018

The 12 biggest cloud security threats in 2018

The “cloud” has become a fixture in our society since it became mainstream in the early 2000s. Cloud computing can be used for nearly everything: backup and recovery (e.g. Dropbox), communication (Skype, WhatsApp), productivity (Microsoft Office 365, Google Docs),...
The Intriguing Story of LabMD – Part 3

The Intriguing Story of LabMD – Part 3

In Parts 1 and 2 of this series, we’ve chronicled the fight between LabMD and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), a large Federal agency charged with protecting consumers from unfair practices. In this article, we examine a recent FTC decision and a subsequent holding...