Over the last couple of years, large breaches of major retailers such as Target, Home Depot, and Neiman Marcus have made it clear that the retail and hospitality industries are prime targets for cyber attacks. The reason is simple: A vast amount of personally...
When it comes to data security it’s been a troubling year for both companies and their customers. Some computer systems have holes big enough to drive a truck through. The American public has suffered data breaches from some of our most trusted corporations,...
Rogue employees are a major cause of data breaches. There could be one sitting in your office right now. Disgrunted current or ex-employees can do serious damage that is costly and time-consuming to repair. Protect your company from malicious employees and other cyber...
Educational institutions are hacked on a regular basis, and the problem shows no signs of getting better anytime soon. Both K-12 schools and colleges and universities, are victims. “Why?” you might ask. “Aren’t cyber criminals after credit card numbers and bank...
The cyber insurance sales process has predictable obstacles easily overcome by the proper approaches. Previous articles explained that a prospect will first express denial, saying “A breach won’t happen to us,” and then reason that even if a breach occurs, “We’re...
A hacker could come after your company’s data at any time. Are you prepared? Even if you think your data isn’t that valuable, there is probably at least some of it that is marketable for cyber criminals. Buy cyber liability insurance to protect your...