Mutating Malware Revealed in Recent Cyber Attacks Several embassies have been attacked recently by a trojanized version of TeamViewer, a remote-access desktop sharing software. According to Check Point Research, these attacks began on April 1, and have been on a roll...
When you create technology attached to the Internet, be it a website, app or a network server, you have to realize you’re going to be the target of hackers. There are plenty of tools to protect yourself from these attacks, but two of them people tend to get confused...
Cybersecurity has traditionally been the realm of the IT department. But those in IT have long championed the fact that keeping a company cyber secure is really everyone’s job. And they are right. Anyone with their guard down within an organization can potentially...
In a world that heavily relies on technology, the threat of a malicious cyber attack is always on the table; and it’s not just individual citizens who are at risk. According to Forrester, 95% of breached records came from three core industries: government,...
There’s an old cliché that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. This is particularly true in cybersecurity. You can have all of the best security software and upgrades available, but none of that will ultimately matter if you make a personal mistake that...
The old saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” has never been more true than when dealing with cyber security. By planning ahead of time to prepare for a cyber-attack, you’ll save both money and resources while also helping mitigate the potential...