Cyber threat from workplace social networking real, but may be overhyped
In just the last few years, social media has fundamentally affected the way many of us communicate. And statistics aren’t needed to prove it. If you’re under 40, chances are good that you have a Facebook, Twitter, and/or Linkedin account. If you’re 40 or older, you...
What is Cyber Insurance?
Cyber. It’s a word often signifying anything having to do with information zipping across the Internet. In the world of insurance and risk management, it has to do with a broad range of scenarios in which stored information might be damaged or lost. In fact, from an...
Doctors and Hospitals Victims of Records Theft
Digital records kept by medical providers contain highly sensitive data, such as test results, diagnoses, and financial information. And chances are very good that somewhere there is medical data server holding information about you. So, it’s easy to see why the...
“Vishing” You a Merry Christmas and a “Smishing” New Year
Imagine yourself elbow to elbow with a crowd of pre-Christmas shoppers at your favorite department store or retail outlet. Your cell phone rings. It’s an automated call from your bank. The bank’s security department is calling to warn you that an identity thief may...
Schools Face Big Cyber Risks
In 2008, a Fox News article reported that two 18-year-olds in Orange County, California, hacked into their school’s computer network to alter grades and steal test material. One of the boys had infiltrated the school network multiple times and was charged with 69...
They’re Back: Flash Cookies Re-spawn
Nearly all computer users have experienced the invasion of tracking devices known as cookies. These devices invade a computer when a user visits merchant or other websites while looking for a great deal or just researching product information. Consumers dislike...
Major Corporation a Victim of Coordinated Cyber Attack
The global security firm RSA, a major provider of data encryption and identity assurance, announced back in March that it had been hacked. As disturbing as the initial revelation was, there is now even more bad news: The cyber attack that compromised RSA also...
There’s Nothing “Old School” About Cyber Crime In Academia
THE SCENE OF THE CRIME DATELINE: Your Town, USA. It was a dark and stormy night and a crime was being committed: the felonious theft of precious goods for material gain. The victim was an organization engaged in a variety of businesses including computer database...
IT Still Largely Responsible for Cyber Risks
Although information security and cyber-risk management is recognized as an enterprise-wide responsibility by many organizations, the information technology (IT) department still is seen as the front-line defense against information losses and other cyber-liability...
Who Can You Trust? Certificate Authorities Hacked
Last week’s revelations that one, and possible multiple, Certificate Authorities (CA) had been breached really rocks the basic foundation of information security as we know it. When you couple this news with the RSA breaches reported earlier this year, there are...
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