Researchers at Georgia Tech recently discovered that malware can be introduced to iPhones through charging cords. Yes, charging cords! Article Excerpt: Apple devices, from Macs to iPhones, have always been able to boast of advanced safety from viruses, spam and the...
Instagram has been hacked. The culprits are hijacking accounts of affected users to send out images of fruit. When another Instagram user clicks the image, they are redirected to a bogus web site advertising coffee. Article Excerpt: If you’re one of the 130 million...
Avoiding the seedy side of the World Wide Web used to keep you relatively safe from viruses and malware. Not anymore though. Google recently released data showing that legitimate web sites, which have been hacked, are a growing danger and are infecting the users of...
We’ve talked before about the dangers of phishing and spear phishing attacks. These types of assaults seek to exploit what is typically the most vulnerable part of your digital security system – your employees. If a hacker sees that a company’s network is relatively...
Future cyber attacks could be bad – really bad. But in addition to the infrastructure targets like power plants or dams, some hackers are trying to disrupt financial systems. These hackers aren’t interested in stealing money as much as in creating chaos and doing...
Hackers are sometimes not after just your data, but also your social media accounts. But there are several things you can do to lower the chance of having your Facebook or Twitter account hijacked. For example, limit the number of employees who have access to the...