As cyber crime continues to vex businesses of all sizes, there is a growing sentiment among some businesses to go on the offensive. Known as “hacking back,” the idea is to launch a counter-attack against digital criminals who break into your network. Born out of...
The Google Play Store, formerly the Android Market, was recently hit with a piece of malware called BadNews. It was bad news indeed, as it stole personal information from phones and transmitted them to an offshore server. Article Excerpt: Last month a form of malware...
Callaway Gardens, a popular resort in Georgia, has been hacked. The company discovered the attack had taken place only after some of its customers reported fraudulent charges on their credit cards. Law enforcement officials and computer forensics experts were called...
Cyber criminals are in hot pursuit of consumers’ payment card information because the payoff is a potential gold mine. Any retailer – large or small – that takes credit and debit cards needs to prepare for the threat of a hacking attack. Even if the card data is...
Identity theft is alive and well, and the criminals are pretty clever at how they can get the information. The low-hanging fruit includes discarded papers with Social Security numbers on it, which can be found in a trash can or dumpster. (So shred your documents...
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT – INSURANCE AGENCY – Norcross, GA INSUREtrust is a nationwide wholesaler of specialty insurance coverage products distributed through professional independent agents. We are seeking candidates who can work independently and are flexible...