It’s amazing what kind of information about you is floating around in cyberspace: Your bank account numbers, financial transactions, medical records, and other details of your personal life that you trust is being kept private. Perhaps for the most part, only...
In the nefarious world of hacking, there are numerous ways cyber thieves can extract money from their victims: They can sell stolen data in black market auctions, or use it to commit tax fraud, or even to extort the data’s owner, for example. Another lucrative venue...
Despite widespread awareness of viruses and the havoc they wreak, scammers still routinely fool unsuspecting computer users into infecting their own machines. One tactic the cyber criminals use is so-called “scareware.” By understanding how it works, you can help...
September was a bad month for some of the nation’s biggest banks, as their web servers were hit with a large-scale assault by well-armed cyber attackers. Bank of America, Citigroup, JPMorgan, PNC Financial Services Group, US Bancorp, and Wells Fargo – financial...
When it comes to computers, most of us are at least somewhat familiar with the nefarious tools at a hacker’s disposal, including viruses, spyware, and bogus emails. However, virtually none of us have been exposed to such security threats on our smart phones. Yet....
Nearly all computer users have experienced the invasion of tracking devices known as cookies. These devices invade a computer when a user visits merchant or other websites while looking for a great deal or just researching product information. Consumers dislike...