

Data Breach Causes Organization to Ban Cell Phones

Smart phones present all kinds of security challenges for organizations, as data can be stolen from them and criminals can use them to capture and transmit private information. Jackson Health System in Florida has decided to ban cell phone use by volunteers, after it...

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Business websites often an open door for hackers

Cyber criminals have a variety of ways to break into corporate networks, and do so on a routine basis.  In response, businesses put in place firewalls and other mechanisms to offer at least some protection against hacking. But it appears that businesses’ web sites are...

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How confident are you that your data is safe online?

It’s amazing what kind of information about you is floating around in cyberspace:  Your bank account numbers, financial transactions, medical records, and other details of your personal life that you trust is being kept private.  Perhaps for the most part, only...

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Study finds cyber crime as costly as ever

Study finds cyber crime as costly as ever

Hacking continues to be a costly problem for US businesses, according to a Ponemon Institute report released in October 2012.  For each the businesses and organizations studied, the average cost of cyber crime is $8.9 million annually, an increase of 6% from last...

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Large companies have special cyber needs

Large companies have special cyber needs

Large companies might have bigger IT security budgets than their smaller counterparts, but they still regularly fall victim to cyber attacks.  And just as their digital security needs are more complex than a mom-and-pop business, so too are their cyber liability...

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