

Nest Cam Hoax Highlights Need for Stronger Passwords

Nest Cam Hoax Highlights Need for Stronger Passwords

Try to imagine this situation: You’re sitting at home when suddenly you hear loud sirens and alarms blaring through your house. Your home security camera then alerts you that North Korea has launched a nuclear strike against the U.S. and that everyone in your area had...

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8 Top Privacy Tips for Mobile Devices and Passwords

8 Top Privacy Tips for Mobile Devices and Passwords

For years, people have been told the importance of keeping anti-virus software on their PCs. The need to keep these regularly updated so that you don’t accidentally get infected with malware has been impressed upon us. But this ignores one of the newest problem areas...

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5 Best Tips for Securing Your Email and Browsers

5 Best Tips for Securing Your Email and Browsers

For years now, we’ve heard about the dangers of computer hacks and security breaches. People have been warned about not clicking on unsolicited or unusual emails and never clicking on suspicious links. But still, the behaviors continue with people infecting their home...

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Cybercrime in 2019: Be Alert, Be Prepared

Cybercrime in 2019: Be Alert, Be Prepared

It’s an old axiom that to understand the future, we must first understand the past. Recently, Secureworks released its 2018 State of Cybercrime Report. By looking at several of the key takeaways from this report, it’s possible to forecast significant threats and...

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4 Tips for Creating a Human Firewall

4 Tips for Creating a Human Firewall

There’s an old cliché that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. This is particularly true in cybersecurity. You can have all of the best security software and upgrades available, but none of that will ultimately matter if you make a personal mistake that...

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Preparing for a Cyber Attack: Save Money by Planning Ahead

Preparing for a Cyber Attack: Save Money by Planning Ahead

The old saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” has never been more true than when dealing with cyber security. By planning ahead of time to prepare for a cyber-attack, you’ll save both money and resources while also helping mitigate the potential...

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Cloud Security Risks: Who’s Really Responsible?

Cloud Security Risks: Who’s Really Responsible?

The reality of cloud computing has been around since about 2006 when Amazon and Google began to use the term in widespread campaigns. In that time, it has grown in popularity to the point that 3.6 billion people users now use this format. In fact, 97% of all...

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