

Out of Business—Hackers Bankrupt Firm

Out of Business—Hackers Bankrupt Firm

Lately, there have been multiple horror stories about hacks and the drastic consequences associated with them.  Some companies have lost millions from the cyber-attacks.  Others have lost money in the long run by losing customer confidence following a data breach....

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Phishing on the Rise

Phishing on the Rise

For years, phishing has been one of the “go to” attack forms for hackers to gain access to your network systems. In fact, it’s been used since at least the early 90s, making it one of the oldest forms of hacks in use. But it appears this tactic is still in fashion....

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Cyber Insurance: Do You Have The Right Coverage?

Cyber Insurance: Do You Have The Right Coverage?

A recent court case could serve as a warning for companies as they try to determine how to insure against cyber losses.  National Bank of Blacksburg v. Everest National Insurance Co. involves two coordinated hacks from 2016 in which cyber criminals stole $2.4 million...

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Hackers Go Local by Targeting Town Computers

Hackers Go Local by Targeting Town Computers

For years now, hackers have been targeting businesses and corporations, causing disruptions to their trade and commerce.  But recently, there has been a spate of attacks targeting city municipalities and their computer systems. These hacks have hit major cities such...

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It’s Back! WannaCry Returns to Plague  Computer Networks

It’s Back! WannaCry Returns to Plague Computer Networks

After more than a year of seeming to be dormant, a new twist on the WannaCry hack has emerged, mainly hitting computers in the United Kingdom.  The infection has already become such an issue that London’s Action Fraud unit has issued an alert about the resurgence. In...

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PCI Council Releases Updated Cloud Guidelines

PCI Council Releases Updated Cloud Guidelines

“The Cloud” is probably one of the most misunderstood aspects of online computing, but also one that has changed significantly as its use has expanded.  For example, the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) recently issued updated language on...

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Is Your Router Infected? Russian Hackers Target Routers

Is Your Router Infected? Russian Hackers Target Routers

Another cyber attack has hit the Internet, but this time the targets are not computers, but network routers.  Russian hackers “Fancy Bear” are believed to be behind this attack, which would make it the second big hack they are affiliated with after the alleged...

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